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The average* cost of car insurance in Kingston Ontario is just $116 a month . *


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We know all
about our customers’
insurance needs
because we’re from
around here, too!

We know all about our customers’ insurance needs because we’re from around here, too!


Did You Know?

Kingston is known as the Limestone City, because of the many historical buildings that were constructed using limestone.

Fort Henry was built to protect the Kingston Royal Naval Dockyard during the War of 1812 – it is a national historic site that you can tour!

Kingston lets you run a race against Beethoven! For over 20 years the Kingston Symphony Orchestra has organized 8km and 4km races against a 50 minute clock of playing Beethoven.

Let’s go to Prison

Let’s go to Prison

Kingston is home to the Kingston Penitentiary, a former maximum-security prison that operated from 1835 to 2013. Now, the prison is open to the public, so you can spend the day touring the prison and hearing stories from its past

Home of the Rideau Canal

The Rideau Canal is a national historic site of Canada that travels from Ottawa all the way south to Kingston. The canal is 202 kilometers in length and was opened in 1832 as a precaution for a potential war.

Made In Canada

Bryan Adams is a well-known Canadian singer, songwriter, and record producer who was born in Kingston in 1959. He rose to fame in 1983 and is best known for his hits, Summer of ’69 and Heaven.

Frequently Asked Questions

about Insurance in Kingston ON?

What is the average cost of auto insurance in Kingston ON?

The average cost of car insurance in Kingston is just $116 a month*

Who has the cheapest auto insurance in Kingston?

Looking for cheap auto insurance in Kingston? The Excalibur Insurance Group works with over 15 different insurance companies to ensure that we find you the best coverage at the lowest rate. Cheap auto insurance in Kingston is just a phone call away! You can call us at 1-888-298-7343 or get an online quote.

Which auto insurance company is the best in Kingston Ontario?

The best insurance company for you is the one that will go above and beyond to protect you and your family. At Excalibur Insurance, we’re committed to finding insurance solutions for everyone. We refuse to compromise in our quest to improve the insurance experience, by offering online quotes, 24-hour chatbot assistance, along with blogs and videos to answer any insurance question you may have.

Which auto insurance is the best for young drivers in Kingston ON?

The best insurance company for young drivers will depend on your age, gender, convictions, driving history, years of experience, commuting distance, and model of your vehicle. Depending on your answers to these questions, the best insurance company for your young driver will change. If you’re on the hunt for the best premium available, speak to an Excalibur Insurance broker for quotes.