High-Risk Driver

So, You’re a High-Risk Driver…What Now?

October 17, 2015


By fault or by chance, it seems that at one time or another in many people’s lives they end up in the high-risk auto insurance market. People get scared by the term “high-risk,” but the truth is, that with one round of bad luck you can end up in that market pretty quickly.

There are the obvious reasons, like an impaired driving charge or a series of at-fault accidents, but there are also seemingly “lighter” situations, like a driver over 25 with three minor tickets (so yes, if you get a speeding ticket, forgot your insurance card, or don’t have your seat belt on – you may end up in the high-risk market from a single incident, even if you’ve never had an accident and have a clean history).

Choice is imperative when you’re forced into the high-risk market (We say forced because lets face it, it’s not like you’re there by choice!). As a larger sized team of brokerage offices, the Excalibur Insurance Group has access to a number of high-risk markets. We have three different auto insurers that specialize in high-risk situations, as well as two regular market companies that tend to take people with driving records that are a little worse that what is traditionally accepted. We will endeavor to do our best to find the company best suited to your situation. Often, a driver only needs to be with a high-risk insurer for a year or two, while we wait for a conviction or two to hit their three year expiry mark. We can find the best high-risk company for you while you need it and transition you back into the regular market when the time comes.

Bad luck should not mean bad service…we are here to help you!

There is no one box that everyone (or even every high-risk driver) fits into. We’re here to help you find the best rate for your situation today, and work with you as things change going forward. An advantage to working with a broker is the variety and options that they are able to offer you.

People change, as do situations. One of the brokers in our office religiously states “those teenage boys with impaired’s grow up, buy houses, and get married,” and it’s true. We want to be your insurance broker for the long-haul, through all the phases of your life.

If you are a high risk driver get an online quote from the Excalibur Insurance Group online web-rating engine.

Or call us at 1-888-298-7343.

Authored By Jeff Roy